Helping kids pay off their HECS debt to build wealth

Clients often ask us how they can help their kids build wealth faster and become more financially savvy. In this article we consider a way to financially assist those completing studies with student loans.

Posted by Cameron Sicker

Making your financial New Year’s resolutions stick

Spending time relaxing and talking with family and friends over the holidays can make us reassess our goals and priorities. Many of us make resolutions which don’t last more than a month. In this article we exmplore what helps to make new habits stick.

Posted by Daniel Arcadiou

Investing in the next generation

It has been a big year for products and partnerships that support FMD's commitment to investing in the health, wealth and happiness of the next generation.

Posted by Jeremy McPhail

FMD team and clients support cancer research

We’re proud to announce that, thanks to the dedication and generosity of FMD staff and clients, this year we raised over $15,000 for cancer research and services.

Posted by Lee Wapling

Property Market Outlook

Despite rising interest rates, the low availability of housing stock and demand for residential property has seen steady price growth across capital city markets in 2023

Posted by Jason Calleja

Client feedback keeps us improving

Walt Disney famously had this advice for those striving to create a successful, long-term business “Do what you do so well that people will want to experience it again and ...

Posted by Lee Wapling

Rev Invest delivers positive returns

Rev Invest portfolio returns since inception, demonstrate the value of being invested in high quality Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) managed by a proven investment team, at a low entry cost.

Posted by Richard Dahl

Staying at home for longer as you age

As we age, more and more people are aiming to stay in the family home close to support networks for as long as possible and good financial planning is an important part of making it happen.

Posted by Karl Hunting

Financial advice for divorce and separation

Navigating the end of a marriage or long-term relationship is one of the most stressful experience we can face in life and is a significant financial event for all parties involved, particularly for those with complex assets or business structures.

Posted by Nicola Beswick

Maintaining the right level of insurance

Having the right level of insurance to protect your income if illness or injury strikes is an important part of building and protecting wealth to achieve your overall financial goals

Posted by Nick Stanley

Lasting economic impacts of COVID-19

It’s been two years since the height of the lockdowns and restrictions of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. Widespread vaccination has largely restored our freedoms, but some things have probably changed forever as a result of this once in a century event. Here we reflect on some of the long term social and economic impacts.

Posted by Adam Davenport

Young professionals feeling the squeeze

We are witnessing a significant shift in generational wealth accumulation and concerns that the next generation could be the first since Federation to be worse off than their parents.

Posted by Cameron Sicker

Could a loved one act for you in legal and financial matters?

Something we don’t always think about when we are fit and well, is whether someone we trust could act on our behalf legally and financially, if we needed them to. Yet life is unpredictable, and situations can arise where you may become unable to make decisions or manage your own affairs due to illness, injury, or aging.

Posted by Nicola Beswick

Rev Invest helping a new generation build wealth

Our low-cost online investment offer, Rev Invest is designed to help the next generation build wealth, with the confidence of knowing a proven investment team is behind it.

Posted by Lee Wapling


  • Why shouldn't I keep managing my own money, I've done all right so far?

    Successful people are used to handling their own finances, but you may reach a point where financial management becomes too complex or time consuming and the consequences of financial mistakes far-reaching. At this stage it's wise to turn to a professional adviser who can help you build and protect wealth over the long-term.

  • Why do I need to meet with an adviser instead of talking on the phone?

    If you value receiving expert advice (perhaps you're an expert in your field!) you know the importance of sitting down face-to-face to solve problems or improve your position. Our advisers don't give advice over the phone to new clients because we have a duty of care to consider your overall situation. That's best done in an initial consultation at our offices in Melbourne, Brisbane or Adelaide. We'll pick up the tab for the first meeting! 

  • How do I know if I should seek professional financial advice?

    Much like a personal trainer or career coach, your FMD adviser will help you set financial goals and hold you accountable. So you need to be ready to improve your financial position. If you are time-poor, have unresolved financial or investment decisions, need to plan for retirement or are facing lifestyle or career change, seeking advice can be a great relief. Many of our clients are successful executives or business owners who value expert financial advice so they can focus on what they do best.

  • How do I choose a financial adviser and why should I?

    The title 'financial adviser' is often misunderstood, partly because it is used to describe advisers that work for or are affiliated with banks or superannuation funds. FMD Financial is not owned by or affiliated with another financial institution, and we charge a fee for service based our clients' individual needs. When choosing an adviser look for someone qualified and experienced, who is happy to offer client references. Choose someone you like and feel comfortable talking to. Over time they will become an important person during life's biggest challenges, like redundancy, divorce or the death of a loved one. 

  • How does advice work and what does it cost?

    Our clients know quality advice is an investment in the future and they partner with us for the long-haul because their investment pays off. We're committed to being open and transparent about our fees and what you can expect from our advice process so more people can experience the confidence and that comes from getting good advice.

  • Some useful website links relating to COVID-19

    Australian Government Department of Health – facts and resources regarding COVID-19

    Treasury – key economic response to COVID-19

    Australian Taxation Office – COVID-19 support available

    Centrelink – for those who expect to receive assistance if affected by COVID-19 -  Information and support for businesses affected by COVID-19






Tools & calculators

  • The health, wealth and happiness profiler

    At FMD financial we're on a mission to get more people on the road to Health, Wealth and Happiness, so we created Australia's most satisfying financial profiler.

    Soon you'll discover your net worth and get your own personal balance sheet to see a true picture of your financial position.

    Get Started
    The health, wealth and happiness profiler


  • What to expect from a first meeting with an FMD adviser

    What to expect from a first meeting with an FMD adviser

    It’s hard to know what to expect from a first meeting with a financial adviser, but getting your questions answered is worth it. Clients usually say ‘We wish we’d done it sooner!  We’ll cover the cost of the first meeting, to ensure FMD and your chosen adviser is right for you (duration: 2:02)

  • What to expect from the Health Wealth and Happiness financial profiler

    Get a picture of your financial position in 15 minutes using our quick and convenient online questionnaire. 
    You'll  receive a personal balance sheet, see how your super is tracking and discover your net worth. You can also book a meeting with an FMD adviser to review your detailed personal report.  We pick up the tab for the first meeting so there's nothing to loose and plenty to gain! (duration: 1:28)

    What to expect from the Health Wealth and Happiness financial profiler
  • Stop guessing and start planning your retirement now

    Stop guessing and start planning your retirement now

    We have the experience, financial modelling tools, and planning and investment expertise to show you how to make the most of your money and live the life you want.